So how do you make Pleroma your permanent state?
Is there a special method? A get-the-perfect-abs-in-a-week trick? A magical pill? Alas, no. What I can offer you instead is what Buddha calls 'bitter balm'. An unpleasant truth no one wants to hear. But this truth, once you realize it fully, cures you. And the truth is: you have to work your way to Pleroma. PERSISTENTLY. PATIENTLY. Spiritual evolution is missing an 'r' for a reason. Methods that take you to Pleroma are a shortcut, but they too will only take you so far. What they do is give you a glimpse of the transcendental reality. It's like being magically transported to a mountain peak, from which you can see your life and problems from a bird's-eye view. But this is not your natural perspective. You HAVE NOT EARNED IT yet. So what is the good news? Some progress is made whenever you process. Even when you get back to your 'normal', unpleasant reality after spending some time in a Pleroma state, you're not exactly back at square one. What you need to do is continue climbing that mountain, even when it feels like you'll never get to the top. And enjoy Pleroma states that you do experience... ... And stop comparing yourself to others... ... And stop worrying about Pleroma. "On being asked by someone how he could become famous, Diogenes responded, by worrying as little as possible about fame."
What are Pleroma states?
They are blissful states of mind, which come up as a consequence of deep processing. They can also appear during meditation, mystical experiences etc. Peace, Love, God, Myself and Pure Consciousness are some examples. This would be the typical flow of process that ends in Pleroma: 1) Initial problem -- a problem you want to resolve (like anger at your mother, for example); 2) Several other negative elements, each (usually) deeper and more 'fundamental' than the previous one; 3) A first positive state; 4) Several other positive states, each (usually) higher and closer to your True Core than the previous one; 5) The highest positive state (Pleroma -- Deep Peace, for example). So let's say you've ended a process in the state of Deep Peace, just like in the example above. If you try to feel your initial problem now (anger in the example), it seems trivial. Or silly. Or far away. Or like something you made up... you get the picture. It feels like you've resolved this problem for ever. In fact, it feels like you've resolved all your problems for ever. And like Pleroma is here to stay. Only it's not. A Pleroma state usually doesn't last longer than 2-3 days. And then it's back to your normal, frustrating reality. Then you process again. And reach Pleroma again. You enjoy it for a while, thinking that this time, surely, it must last for ever. But alas, in a few hours or days you're back on earth, firmly grounded in your problems. And so on it goes, up and down, again and again. You might feel like you're making no progress. Like no matter how hard you try, you are always back at the start. If you are frustrated by this, you're not alone. Many practitioners, especially at the beginning of their spiritual journey, try in vain to force Pleroma to stay. But Pleroma acts like a fickle lover. One that comes and goes, and does not want to commit to a serious relationship. So how on earth do you make it your permanent state? Come back next week and I'll tell you. |
AuthorIvana Mihajlovic Archive
February 2019