In a therapy session where you use my methods or the ST methods, you often experience high states of mind, such as Peace, God, Love, Pure Consciousness ...
I call these states Blissful States, because they feel blissful--exhilarating. My father, Z.M. Slavinski, calls them Pleroma states. Not all of those states appear to be of the same class/order. Some feel higher, some lower. Some stronger, some weaker. Some feel soothing, some mind-blowing. So for instance, in the state of Peace, you may feel centered, weightless and calm. Whereas in the state of Divine Love, you may feel like you've been catapulted into another, fantastic dimension. But regardless of its nature, a Blissful state is always very pleasant. This is why your response to experiencing a Blissful State is to try to hold on to it for as long as you can. We naturally gravitate to Blissful States, just like we are naturally repelled by the opposite--negative--states of mind. Common sense tells us: the more exhilarating a Blissful state feels, the more 'spiritual' it is. Right? Wrong. To enjoy an exhilarating state means to enjoy the exhilarating emotions/feelings you feel in that state. In other words, to enjoy an exhilarating state means to be attached to it. And attachment is as bad as aversion. Because both attachment and aversion polarize our consciousness. For this reason, in my methods I insist on clearing Blissful States of their emotional charge. Once you clear the emotional energy of a Blissful State, you'll be in a NEUTRAL state of mind--where there is no negative. And no positive. Where there is no split, no division. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ For practical advise on how to use my method End on Words to remove emotional charge from Blissful States, read my next post: Clearing Blissful (Pleroma) States.
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AuthorIvana Mihajlovic Archive
February 2019