Integration of Opposites for Financial Success
Integration of Opposites for Financial Success
In this workshop you will integrate inner conflicts that prevent
you from earning money with ease and in harmony with your Self
You SHOULDN’T take this workshop if:
- You’re doing great financially
- You don’t want to make any sustained efforts
- You can't prosper because everything is against you
- You expect or hope for someone else to provide for you
- You can effortlessly ‘attract’ money
- You'd rather wait for miracles
- You’d rather change the world than yourself
- You'd rather struggle with money than work on your issues
- You’re doing great financially
- You don’t want to make any sustained efforts
- You can't prosper because everything is against you
- You expect or hope for someone else to provide for you
- You can effortlessly ‘attract’ money
- You'd rather wait for miracles
- You’d rather change the world than yourself
- You'd rather struggle with money than work on your issues
Is this workshop for you?
- Yes, if you struggle to have the financial reality you desire
- Yes, if you want to achieve abundance in a moral and spiritual way
- Yes, if you want to combine inner growth and financial success
- Yes, if you struggle to have the financial reality you desire
- Yes, if you want to achieve abundance in a moral and spiritual way
- Yes, if you want to combine inner growth and financial success
What do you get in this workshop?
- A list of opposites covering all the main areas related to money; from the sea of powerful pairs of opposites choose the ones that fit you best; you will also learn how to build your personal program to transform your financial reality;
- A strong technique designed for fast and thorough integration of opposites
- Recording of the webinar (audio + video)
What is so special about the Pair a Day technique?
- It is based on a series of questions. The questions direct your attention toward the places in your conscious and subconscious minds that are most likely to contain strong emotional charge.
This approach makes the technique time-efficient and thorough.
The questions are carefully selected to give the best results in the spheres of money, work and material abundance. This means that some questions differ from the ones in Pair a Day for Love.
- It brings to light hidden aspects of your conflicts
- It uncovers meta-polarities (deeper, more basic opposites) and integrates them
- It detects any residual charge for complete integration
- It leads you beyond neutralization, to a stable, sublime state of mind, like no other technique
- It stabilizes this state of mind and the results of every process.
What can this workshop mean for you?
Short-term goals: Getting rid of your most acute money-conflicts and improving your financial situation quickly
Long-term goals: Improving your money-mindset and habits gradually and thoroughly for a true, lasting transformation.
Individual webinars -- 550 EUR (approx. $600)
PLACE: Online
TIME: As we agree
DURATION: 5-6 hours, divided into 2 days
TIME: As we agree
DURATION: 5-6 hours, divided into 2 days
Why take an individual Pair a Day?
Because you'll get a custom-made webinar, a processing program and my personal supervision for two months.
Because you'll get a custom-made webinar, a processing program and my personal supervision for two months.
As an individual webinar is a big investment for both you and me, I will conduct an interview with you before I accept you as my client.
There are no group webinars planned at the moment.
For technical and other webinar/workshop information, click ...
Why Integrate Opposites for Financial Success?
The world is Whole and One. In it there is no tension, no strife as all extremes are united.
But we perceive the world, both outside and inside of us, as divided -- we view it through opposites. People are either kind or unkind, a situation is either pleasant or unpleasant, what we do ends either in a success or in a failure.
We are drawn to one of the opposites, and repelled by the other -- we yearn for success, and dread failure. It is these inner conflicts that bring us confusion, frustration and suffering.
Life, as most of us live it, is suffering. There is no denying the fact. As long as life is a form of struggle, it cannot be anything but pain. Does not a struggle mean the impact of two conflicting forces, each trying to get the upper hand of the other?
Daisetsu T. Suzuki
The ultimate goal of Zen, Kabbalah, Hinduism etc., is transcending our relative situation, in which we and the world around us seem to exist in opposites, and ascending to a higher level of consciousness, where all is One.
Sounds very abstract, like something that bearded, emaciated men would be busy with in caves or deserts. But it isn't -- it can and should be applied to your daily life.
As you work to build or expand your business, or survive the challenges of your job, inner conflicts continuously pop up. Of many of them you are unaware or half-aware.
The worst part of these inner conflicts is that they bring with them unpleasant, even painful emotions. You typically suppress these conflicts and the suffering they bring just to be able to continue working.
Trying to earn more money or to build your business while struggling to resolve or suppress these conflicts drains your energy.
Let me give you an example: you might think you want to become rich. There may be absolutely no doubt in your (conscious) mind about that.
But what you don't know or are only vaguely aware of is that at the same time, you probably have a deep-rooted belief that a spiritual-minded person shouldn't want to be rich.
That right there is an inner conflict -- every time the desire to earn money, to become rich appears, its opposite -- belief that it is shameful for you to want it -- comes up as well.
Although you may not be aware of this inner conflict, you will unmistakably notice that even simple actions leading to your goal of becoming rich will require a great amount of work, efforts and will power to perform.
You may strive and struggle to become rich as much as you like. It is not going to happen as long as deep down inside you believe it is shameful to want it.
This inner conflict is just one of many that sabotage your efforts to prosper financially.
I have therefore compiled a comprehensive list of opposites that affect your behavior toward money. Their neutralization will help you get rid of:
- Embarrassment when asking for favors, when marketing yourself and charging money;
- Poor money-making self-esteem;
- Burdens of your past financial failures;
- Poor models of behavior and attitude toward money …
… and much more.
Sounds very abstract, like something that bearded, emaciated men would be busy with in caves or deserts. But it isn't -- it can and should be applied to your daily life.
As you work to build or expand your business, or survive the challenges of your job, inner conflicts continuously pop up. Of many of them you are unaware or half-aware.
The worst part of these inner conflicts is that they bring with them unpleasant, even painful emotions. You typically suppress these conflicts and the suffering they bring just to be able to continue working.
Trying to earn more money or to build your business while struggling to resolve or suppress these conflicts drains your energy.
Let me give you an example: you might think you want to become rich. There may be absolutely no doubt in your (conscious) mind about that.
But what you don't know or are only vaguely aware of is that at the same time, you probably have a deep-rooted belief that a spiritual-minded person shouldn't want to be rich.
That right there is an inner conflict -- every time the desire to earn money, to become rich appears, its opposite -- belief that it is shameful for you to want it -- comes up as well.
Although you may not be aware of this inner conflict, you will unmistakably notice that even simple actions leading to your goal of becoming rich will require a great amount of work, efforts and will power to perform.
You may strive and struggle to become rich as much as you like. It is not going to happen as long as deep down inside you believe it is shameful to want it.
This inner conflict is just one of many that sabotage your efforts to prosper financially.
I have therefore compiled a comprehensive list of opposites that affect your behavior toward money. Their neutralization will help you get rid of:
- Embarrassment when asking for favors, when marketing yourself and charging money;
- Poor money-making self-esteem;
- Burdens of your past financial failures;
- Poor models of behavior and attitude toward money …
… and much more.
For Technical requirements for webinars, Webinar program and other webinar and workshop information, click ...
Please note that attending this workshop is not a guarantee that you will become rich, get the job you desire, avoid bankruptcy etc.
Pair a Day is primarily a spiritual/psychological tool that will help you to resolve your inner conflicts and grow.
Your success with Pair a Day will depend on how persistent you are in applying it. As you practice the method, your work and money related attitudes, desires and goals will change, because you will change.
The ultimate goal of this method is to help you to become free to make decisions from your Self, not from your inner conflicts and limiting beliefs. And to feel worthy, centered and whole regardless of how much you earn or what you own.
Pair a Day is primarily a spiritual/psychological tool that will help you to resolve your inner conflicts and grow.
Your success with Pair a Day will depend on how persistent you are in applying it. As you practice the method, your work and money related attitudes, desires and goals will change, because you will change.
The ultimate goal of this method is to help you to become free to make decisions from your Self, not from your inner conflicts and limiting beliefs. And to feel worthy, centered and whole regardless of how much you earn or what you own.